How can structural engineers leverage Conversational AI benefits while managing its risks? Structural engineers spend an estimated 20-40% of their work hours writing. Do you ever struggle with writer’s block or spend too much time perfecting work emails? It’s understandable to feel frustrated and wonder if this is what you really signed up for as a structural engineer.
Conversational AI tools like ChatGPT can solve this problem, acting as a writing assistant with the potential to drastically cut writing time so you can do more work you enjoy while more effectively communicating your value to teams, clients, and society.
In December 2022, based on an entrepreneurial colleague’s enthusiastic recommendation, I first tried ChatGPT. A feeling of “this is going to change everything” came over me as I explored; the last time I felt similarly was when I viewed my first Revit demonstration 20 years prior. I jumped in with both feet to learn all I could. The result has been working with AI experts, sharing my learnings in articles and virtual sessions, and collaborating on a report-writing workshop using this tool. Click here to read this article from STRUCTURE Magazine.