Join the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Tuesday, Feb. 27th at 12 p.m. EST to hear about plans for developing a label program for construction materials and products with low embodied greenhouse gas emissions, as authorized by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act. The webinar will cover the draft approach to creating a label program for low embodied carbon construction materials being released for public comment in the coming weeks and pose some key remaining questions. Click here to register.
The BSR/ASHRAE/ICC Standard 240P (Quantification of Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions) is now out for its first full public review and comment. The proposed standard, which has been developed jointly by ASHRAE and the ICC, provides a whole-life carbon approach covering both operational and embodied carbon emissions of buildings and building systems. Public review will be open from February 2nd to March 18th. More information is available here. The first full publication public review draft is linked here.
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