This course will cover how the FEMA P-58 analysis method is now being used in practice for both resilient design of new buildings and risk assessment of existing buildings for earthquake hazards. The FEMA P-58 method was developed by the Applied Technology Council and FEMA through a $16M investment, and provides a building-specific approach to seismic risk evaluation considering safety, repair costs, and building closure time. This new building-specific method is in contrast to other older risk assessment methods (e.g. HAZUS), which were developed for classes of buildings and were expressly not developed for building-specific analysis. This new FEMA P-58 method enables direct quantitative resilient design (to meet resiliency targets related to limiting repair costs and building closure times) and provides the next generation methodology for building-specific seismic risk assessment.
- Course will award 1.5 hours of continuing education
- This course is Diamond Review approved in 49 states. New York does not accept hours from recordings.