Hear from leading expert Duane Miller, P.E., as he discusses steel ductility and how to avoid brittle fractures on your projects. Understand the role of shear stresses and ductility for effective structural designs, especially in seismic conditions. Examine case studies of brittle fracture to avoid this problem in your designs. This web-based seminar will be delivered over two days in two 1.5-hour webinars by one of the industry’s best and brightest minds.
Day 1 – Ductility: Another View
Structural engineers designing structures to resist earthquake loading rely on ductile behavior to absorb seismically-induced loads, and yet brittle fractures have been observed after earthquakes. These apparent paradoxes can be understood when the role of shear stresses and ductility is properly understood. Notches and constraint, known to be problematic when ductility is desired, can also be explained in terms of shear stresses. Designing structural systems to enable the development of shear stresses is essential if ductility is desired. This presentation will give insight into how ductility can be achieved and provide some insight into how Mohr’s Circle can be used to easily explain ductility.
Day 2 – Brittle Fracture: Another View
It is often said that “steel is an inherently ductile material,” and yet this statement fails to explain how steel occasionally behaves in a brittle manner. This lecture examines brittle fracture from a holistic perspective, considering the many variables that lead to brittle fracture. Four case studies are used to illustrate the effect of these variables: the World War II Liberty Ships, the Silver Bridge, the Martha Ingram barge and the Hoan Bridge. The role of material toughness, loading rate, temperature, constrain and notches are examined.
The registration fee for the Seminar is $395 for members ($500 for nonmembers), which includes all 3 hours of education. Each individual webinar can be purchased separately for $225 for members ($275 for nonmembers).
- Purchase both webinars in the Seminar and have access to the recordings for 1 Year.
- Each seminar purchase is per office location. If your firm is operating remotely, please review the Webinar FAQ’s on how to accommodate multiple users from the same location.
Please note: These webinars are not included in the NCSEA Webinar Subscription.
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