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Seismic Connection Design: Based on IBC 2018/ASCE 7-16, Research, and Future Provisions

The Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) and NCSEA have teamed up to deliver a brand new Web-Based Seminar Series for you on the Design of Seismic Connections. This web-based Seismic Connection Design Series will be delivered over six weeks in six 1.5 hour webinars by some of the industry’s best and brightest minds.

CE Credits: 9.0

$900.00 for 1 year

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The Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC) and NCSEA have teamed up to deliver a brand new Web-Based Seminar Series for you on the Design of Seismic Connections. This web-based Seismic Connection Design Series will be delivered over six weeks in six 1.5 hour webinars by some of the industry’s best and brightest minds. This Seminar will present on the following topics:

  • Steel moment frame connections,
  • Steel moment frame base plates,
  • Timber seismic connections,
  • Steel braced frame connections,
  • Concrete shear wall connections,
  • Concrete moment frame connections.

Each presentation will provide information and examples for designing seismic connections in accordance with IBC 2018 and ASCE 7-16 and include discussion of the provisions in the standards as well as current research leading to future provisions, speaking to big-picture concepts and the nuts, bolts and nails of implementation.

This seminar is critical to practicing structural engineers, trained designers, building department engineers, plan review agencies, professors and students from across the nation as you can all learn from these examples of code-compliant connection designs engineered to achieve good performance under seismic design .

The registration fee for the Seminar is $595 for members ($900 for nonmembers), which includes all 9 hours of education. Each individual webinar can be purchased separately for $195 for members ($250 for nonmembers).

  • Purchase all 6 webinars in the Seminar and have access to the recordings for 1 Year.
  • The IBC 2018 may also be purchased separately through ICC.
  • Each seminar purchase is per office location. If your firm is operating remotely, please review the Webinar FAQ’s on how to accommodate multiple users from the same location.

Please note: These webinars are not included in the NCSEA Webinar Subscription.

Schedule of Events

Day 1 – Steel: Moment Frame Connections, Presented by Chia-Ming Uang, PhD – RECORDING IS NOW AVAILABLE!

Moment connections play a vital role for the intended performance of steel Special or Intermediate Moment Frames in a seismic event. The lessons learned from the 1994 Northridge Earthquake drastically changed the way that moment connections are designed. This presentation will provide a historic account of the development that led to the current design and construction practice as required in AISC 341 and AISC 358. The number of prequalified connections contained in AISC 358 was increased from two in its 2005 edition to ten in the current edition. The prequalification process, limitations, and general design process contained in this standard will also be highlighted.

Day 2 – Steel: Dissipative Column Base Connections for Moment Frames, Presented by Amit Kanvinde, PhD – RECORDING IS NOW AVAILABLE!

Designing column base connections to be stronger than the attached column (to induce a plastic hinge in the column) is often expensive and inconvenient. The seminar will address the seismic performance and prospective use of “weak base” connections in steel moment frames. The aim of such design is to concentrate inelastic rotations in the base connections rather than in the connected columns. To achieve the high deformation capacity necessary for such design, a new base connection detail will be introduced; this connection features anchor rods in which the threads are milled to a smooth shank providing a designated stretch length over which inelastic deformations may be distributed. The seminar will summarize results from large-scale experiments on these details along with findings from complementary simulation studies – these include finite element simulations to generalize the test findings, and Nonlinear Time History Analysis on frames to examine seismic demands relative to the observed deformation capacities of these connections.

Day 3 – Timber: The Nuts, Bolts, Nails and Screws of Wood Seismic Connections, Presented by Kelly Cobeen, S.E. – RECORDING IS NOW AVAILABLE!

The seismic performance of wood structures relies to a significant degree on detailing of seismic load path connections. In fact, in wood light-frame construction significantly more time is typically spent on connection detailing than on seismic design calculations. This presentation will review the concept of a complete load path, review the range of load path connections commonly occurring in wood construction, and discuss best-practices for seismic connection detailing including lessons learned from past earthquake experience and from laboratory seismic testing.

Day 4 – Steel: Braced Frame Connections, Presented by Rafael Sabelli, S.E. – RECORDING IS NOW AVAILABLE!

Properly designed steel braced frames provide lateral strength and stiffness, as well as deformation capacity, such that the structure’s performance is reliable. Seismic loading can result in large forces in members and their connections, as well as deformation demands in braces, their connections, and the beam-to-column connection. Special Concentrically Braced Frames accommodate frame movement through brace buckling, which can impose additional connection deformations; this system also benefits from distributed yielding, including some connection contribution.

Day 5 – Concrete: Seismic Connections for Framing and Foundations, Presented by Joe Maffei, S.E., PhD – RECORDING IS NOW AVAILABLE!

For cast-in-place concrete, the most critical aspects of seismic connection design are related to the behavior of “gravity” framing under earthquake movement, including connections to foundations. This presentation will cover slab-to-column connections including punching shear, slab-to-wall connections, as well as coupling beams and coupling slabs. Floor diaphragm force paths and collectors will also be addressed, along with shear-friction connections and beam and column strength at moment frame connections. The presentation will address principles, behavior modes, code requirements, and design strategies.

Day 6 – Concrete: Seismic Design of Special Shear Walls – Major Changes in ACI 318-19, Presented by Mehran Pourzanjani, S.E. – RECORDING IS NOW AVAILABLE!

Concrete shear wall seismic design and the major changes in ACI 318-19: This presentation will highlight the major code changes in ACI 318-19 for seismic design of shear walls, the background for the changes, and the implications of the new provisions. Design examples for the design of shear walls will be presented including detailing requirements.