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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been selected as the topic for the NCSEA Foundation’s 2024-2025 Innovation in Structural Engineering Grant. The initiative aims to identify and support groundbreaking advancements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) through the following objectives:

  • Provide Education: Provide structural engineers with information on the latest developments in AI as it relates to the profession and outline future areas of study in future areas surrounding this topic.
  • Foster Innovation: Encourage structural engineers to explore, develop, and implement innovative AI solutions that enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and longevity of structural engineering practices.
  • Promote Collaboration: Foster collaboration between structural engineers, AI experts, and other industry partners by encouraging the exchange of ideas and expertise to drive progress in the field.
  • Address Industry Challenges: Address key challenges faced by the structural engineering industry through the application of AI technologies, including ethical and legal areas.